The unique visitors come from all over 110 countries from USA, Canada, United Arab Emirates, UK, Malaysia, Kuwait, Japan, Kenya, France, Switzerland, Singapore, Mauritius, Australia, Hongkong, Germany, NewZealand and India too.
Welcome-NRI Network offers the following advertising option:
Fixed Position - Advertisement remains at a pre designated position for specific period.
Payment - Advertisers will make payments for advertising charges in Indian Rupees ( INR ).
3 Month Policy
Advertisements booked for a continuous period of 3 months
would be entitled for a discount of 10%.
6 Month Policy
Advertisements booked for a continuous period of 6 months
would be entitled for a discount of 15%.
12 Month Policy
Advertisements booked for a continuous period of 12 months would be entitled for a discount of 25%.
The users clicking on the Banners or Panels will be linked either to the advertiser’s Home page (at no extra cost) or to an HTML page advertisement on the Web server hosting.
The advertisement material is to be submitted in either of the following formats.
HTML Format:
The diskette should contain the following files (all files should be in one directory only):
- Panel. gif of panel. jpg (not more than 10KB) for the image to be displayed as per specifications below. If it is a banner then file size should not exceed 25 KB.
- Either a plain text file url.txt containing the advertiser’s home page URL or the advt. htm as the html document for the page to be hosted on web server hosting The total size of htm files should not exceed 10 KB.
- The graphics/image(s) as GIF or JPG (JPEG) files.
Non-HTML Format:
The diskette should contain the following files (all files should be on one directory only)
- Panel.gif or panel. jpg as per specificaitons below.
- Advt. txt containing the text of the advertisement page in ASCII format and its size should not exceed 10 KB.
- Advt gif or advt. Jpg for the graphics/image to be displayed on the advertisement page.
GENERAL reserves the right to accept and publish any advertisement. In case the advt. is not accepted, the payment made by the advertiser will be refunded.
We disclaim any and all warranties, express or implied, including without limitation and implied warranty of merchantability or fitness of advertiser's products/services and/or information for any particular purpose. is not liable for any incidental or consequential damages arising out of the usage of the information provided by the advertisers.
Need a Quotation? - Please forward your mail to:- [email protected] or [email protected]