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A Smart Gateway to India…You’ll love it!
Sagar-Amers's Best Kept Secret

One of the best kept secrets of the city of Amer is a 17th century lake ‘Sagar’, which was the primary source of water for the adjoining forts of Amer and Jaigarh as well as the city of Amer and its people. Tucked away beyond Kheri Gate and the Anokhi Museum, the lake can be reached by car and then one can walk around its boundary. Built during the reign of Raja Man Singh, the lake which is divided into two parts- the Upper Sagar and the Lower Sagar, kept a check on the water table of the region.


It was designed in a manner that it was connected with various step wells in the region, which automatically filled up once the ‘Sagar’ had reached its capacity. We were the only tourists in the area, crossing a few locals, pilgrims and animals during our little adventure. If you are visiting Amer or the Anokhi Museum in the evening, do stop by. The sunset turns the mud plastered walls of Amer into a golden labyrinth waiting to be explored.

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