10 Good Things About Today's Women
There are divided opinions. Some men think that women of the previous generation are a lot better than today's women while some men argue that today's women are a lot better.
In fact, arguing wastes a lot of time and energy. The fact is, we can't get women of that generation back. So, why not look at the plus points of today's women?
When we start looking at what's good in any person, what's bad will fade out of focus. In fact, that is the secret of real joy. So, let us start looking at today's women in a positive light instead of comparing them to the women of the previous generation.
Let us start discussing how women evolved so much and why they're a lot better the way they are today.

They Realised That Not All Men Are Bad
Today's women have more exposure. They are working with men in workplaces. They are able to travel alone without the escort of a man. They are heading organisations too. They have lots of exposure. This made them understand men in better way. They realised that not all men are bad.

They Have More Knowledge Than The Women Of The Previous Generation
This is a very big incentive. Today's women know what all men know and more. They can go places and get things done. You don't have to do everything for the family and your burden gets reduced.

She Doesn't Need The Help Of A Man To Console Her
In case of a breakup, today's women can again get up, console themselves and start life afresh instead of being clingy.

She Is Straightforward
She can speak her heart out without thinking twice. This makes things easier for men as men can discuss anything with ease with a modern woman.

She Has The Guts To Fight For The Man Of Her Choice
The modern woman can convince her parents if she likes you. You don't need to elope or fight with her family just to marry her.

She Has The Guts To Stay Alone (If At All Her Relationship Goes Bad)
If a marriage goes for a toss, a modern woman knows that it is not the end of the world. She can live alone boldly without depending upon her parents or her husband.

She Is Self-Sufficient
Of course, when she is able to run businesses or head organisations why wouldn't she be self-sufficient?

She Pays Back To The Society (She's A Tax Payer And Part Of The Economy)
The biggest step towards progress of any nation is the rate of productivity. Previously, women were just housewives but toady's women are tax payers contributing a major share to the country's economy. Look at the roads and bridges around. They are built with the tax payers' money and a modern woman's sweat is in it.

She Has Less Time To Create A Drama Or Watch TV
This is the best thing. She seldom has the time to watch TV serials and create drama at home. She is a professional and needs to go to office early in the morning. So, she lets you sleep peacefully instead of creating a fuss in the night to spoil your sleep.
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