A Smart Gateway to India…You’ll love it!
A Smart Gateway to India…You’ll love it!
Top 10 Challenges And Benefits Of Smart Cities – An Intiative Taken By Government Of India


Top 7 Benefits Of Smart Cities In India

1. Promoting mixed land use in area based developments – planning for ‘unplanned areas’ containing a range of compatible activities and land uses close to one another in order to make land use more efficient.

2. Housing and inclusiveness that features expanding housing opportunities for all

3. Creating walkable localities to reduce congestion, air pollution and resource depletion, boost local economy, promote interactions and ensure security.

4. Preserving and developing open spaces like parks, playgrounds, and recreational spaces in order to enhance the quality of life of citizens

5. Promoting a variety of transport options

6. Making governance citizen-friendly and cost effective. That includes increasing rely on online services which brings faster and transparent service.

7. City will be given its own identity based on its local economic activity, such as local cuisine, health, education, arts and craft, culture, sports goods, furniture, hosiery, textile, dairy etc

Top 5 Challenges In Implementation Of Smart City Project

1. 100-per-cent distribution of water supply and sanitation, which is yet to be achieved even in Metro Cities.

2. The total estimate of investment requirements for the smart city comes to Rs 7 lakh crore over 20 years which means 35000 Crore per year. Most of the projects will be handled by Private Companies or Public Private Partnerships, in such cases 35000 Crore is lots of money to invest in one project.

3. 70-80 per cent of Indian cities don’t have a master plan which is essential for developing a smart city.

4. For timely completion of the project, all clearances should use online processes and be cleared in a time-bound manner. Then Only project could be finished in time.

5. Smart cities should have universal access to electricity 24×7; this is not possible with the existing supply and distribution system. New system need to be developed, more focus is necessary towards renewable source of energy and on green buildings and green transport.

These were Top Challenges and Benefits of Smart Cities In India Project, initiated by Government of India. We will bring you more updates and news about the same.

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