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Ayurveda In India - Ayurveda Treatment During India Tour

Essential Guide to Ayurvedic Treatment in India

Ayurveda In India

Ayurveda is the medical side of yoga. It’s India’s traditional natural healing system, which has been practiced for over 5,000 years.

Ayurveda the traditional form of Indian medicine was developed by ancient sages whose astute observations led to the development of constitutional medicine. Traditional Chinese Medicine too has similar origins. Over the past 5000 years the Ayurvedic and chinese traditions have developed sophisticated systems of medicines. The ancients visualized the universe as a constant play of energies, an imbalance of which created discomfort and disease in the body. It was the duty of the vaidyar/ (physician) to harmonize this imbalance of the body - mind environment.

Benefits of Ayurvedic Medicine

Ayurvedic medicine is particularly effective for metabolic, stress related, and chronic conditions. Treatments are also very helpful in relieving the effects of surgery and debilitating treatments such as chemotherapy. Other popular uses of Ayurveda are for general rejuvenation and beauty care.

Process for Ayurvedic Treatment

Ayurveda is a pranic system of medicine, which works to balance the body’s life energy -- referred to as the doshas. This is achieved by diet, different types of massage, pouring herbal liquid onto the body, and covering the body with herbal leaves and powders. You’ll be assessed by a qualified doctor and a treatment program tailor made to address the root of your problem.

Generally, at least a couple of weeks are needed to complete a full course of Ayurvedic treatment. However it’s also possible to get simple renewal treatments, such as Ayurvedic massage, by themselves.

Best Time to Receive Ayurvedic Treatment in India

The rainy season, during the monsoon from June to September, is an ideal time for ayurvedic treatment because the atmosphere remains cool, moist, and dust free. This helps the body’s pores to open up, making it most receptive to herbal oils and therapy.

Ayurveda Treatments


A cloth is dipped in lukewarm medicated oil, and then squeezed over the body for 45 - 60 minutes. This is followed by a gentle body massage. The oils are prescribed depending on the specific ailment. This is a process traditionally followed once a year, aimed at keeping the body fit and healthy and preventing premature ageing. It is also recommended for papaplegia, hemiplegia and general weakness.


Small cotton bags are filled with a particular kind of cooked rice which is dipped in warm milk with medicated decoction and rubbed on to the body.

This is very effective in cases of wasting of muscles, weakness and rheumatism. The duration varies from 7 to 14 days.


Little cloth bundles made of specially selected herbs are dipped in warm oil and rubbed over the whole body. Recommended for certain types of muscular and nervous ailments. The duration varies from 3 to 7 days.

UZHICHIL (General Body Massage)

Useful for general fitness and well being of the entire body. It helps in toning up muscle tissues, alleviates stiffness of joints, promotes better blood circulation and stimulates the nervous system.


The patient is exposed to a steam bath with medicinal herbs steamed in boiling water.

Most suited for obesity, and to rid the body of harmful toxic substances. It has also been found to help certain kinds of skin problems.


The masseur uses his feet to massage the body. This is excellent for general fitness also. This massage is for conditions of obesity or inflamation of muscles resulting from a fall etc., where extra pressure has to be applied.


The body is massaged with various medicated powders. A procedure primarily to melt away subcutaneous fat and obesity - related problems. It also helps blood circulation.


This process of treatment is done via the nasal canal. Medicated oils of certain herbs are dipped into the nose to expell all the doshas which cause head-related problems. Sometimes, mere inhalation can work wonders.Ideal for sinusitis, problems concerned with dental care, ear, nose and eye ailments, facial paralysis and migraine.


The patient lies on the back and medicated oil is poured continuously on the forehead from an eastern vessel.Extremely beneficial in cases of disorders such as migraines, headaches and insomnia.


The procedure is the same as that of Shirodhara. In this treatment medicated buttermilk is poured on the forehead continuously. It cools the system and is good for eye-ear-nose related complaints.


Small muslin cloth bags containing special fresh herbs are kept warm by constantly dipping in hot medicated oil slimmered in a pan. These are then rubbed onto the body for 60 minutes.


Small bags containing various herbal powders are heated to a constant temperature in a dry pan. These bags are then rubbed longer on the affected parts of the body than the rest of the body, though the whole body is massaged as well.


Ayurveda, Yoga and Tantra are all parts of the ancient life-disciplines that have been practiced in India for centuries. They find mention in the scriptures of the Vedas and Upnishads. Yoga is the the science of the Union with the divine, with Truth; Tantra is the most direct method of controlling the energy that creates the ultimate union with truth; and Ayurveda is the science of life. The purpose of each practice is to help the individual achieve longevity, rejuvenation and self-realisation. The object of the practice of Yoga and Tantra is liberation, although only certain disciplined individuals are able to achieve the ultimate goals through these practices. If Ayurveda is the science of the body, Yoga is the science of the body, Yoga is the science of spirit. They are sister sciences. The practice of Yoga is an important , natural, preventive measure to ensure good health. The practice of an ayurvedic regimen is a precursor to Yoga because it is only when the body is fit that the individual is ready to study the spiritual science of Yoga.

Tag : ayurveda in india, india ayurveda tour, Ayurvedic Treatment in India, Essential Guide to Ayurvedic Treatment, Ayurveda, Ayurveda treatment, naturopathy treatment, ayurveda diet, ayurveda remedies, ayurveda India , ayurveda herbs, ayurvedic herbs, food and nutrition.

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