10 Teeny Tiny Animals That Are Too Cute for Words

These animals, some you probably didn't even know existed, will make you ooh and awe!
Pygmy Slow Loris

This adorable, wide-eyed little guy is native to Vietnam, Laos, eastern Cambodia, and China. As much as you may want to pet his tiny little head, I’d hold back if I were you - their bite is toxic!
Dwarf Chameleon

OMG! I’d let one of these little fellas hang out on my finger any day! Native to South Africa, the dwarf chameleon has a tongue twice the length of its entire body that enables it to catch insects from long distances!
Panda Cub

This photo makes me want to take a little baby panda and just snuggle it all over my face! UGH! I might just have to move to their native land of south central China now. I mean, we all knew grown pandas look like giant teddy bears, but the babies are even cuter!
Pygmy Marmoset

With a head the size of a human thumb, the pygmy marmoset is actually the smallest monkey on the planet! You could carry this little guy around in your purse and always have the smallest little friend right by your side!
Royal Antelope

Can you imagine a full grown antelope the size of a rabbit? Well that’s just what this delightful little creature is! The royal antelope is native to West Africa and can jump up to 8.2 feet into the air when frightened to escape a predator! That’s like a human jumping up 60 feet from standing! Wow!
Baby Kangaroo

Also known as a joey, baby kangaroos are just beyond adorable! So chill, too, just hanging around in their momma’s pouch. It’s so sweet! Why can’t we have pouches, too?
Tiger Cub

It’s actually pretty hard to believe that they could ever grow up to be such ferocious animals! Either way, they’re as cute as a button when they’re babies. As adults, they actually grow to be the biggest cats in the world and run up to 65 mph!
Pomeranian Puppy

Awe! This little guy looks as exhausted as I feel every Monday afternoon. A little fun fact you probably didn’t know about these too cute pups is that they are also known as zwergspitz! Yeah, I’ll stick with pom pom.
Speckled Padloper Tortoise

The smallest tortoise on earth, this little dude is definitely adorable beyond words! The people of South Africa are actually lucky enough to have them be native to their area. Boy, I’d love to have these cutie pies walking around my backyard!
Bee Hummingbird

As if we needed any other reason to think hummingbirds are adorable, there’s a smaller relative – the smallest living bird in the world, actually. I’d put up as many bird feeders as I possibly could in hopes of catching a glimpse of one of these little guys!
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