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Jewelry fashion trend
Jewelry fashion trend
5. Fringed statement pieces

An extension to the previous trend. Coming from someone who only has one permanent item that categorizes under ‘bracelets’ – the hair tie on my wrist, this trend will be implemented without a doubt.

2016 is going to be the year that will inspire me to spend my first paycheck on some of these bracelets. I suggest you do the same.

And may I also share an insider with you? I’ve mentioned I had a sneak peak into the Swarowski design team’s workings for the new trends of 2016, and there were some very impressive combinations of trend 5 and 1. Yes. Put that pen on paper, imagine the possibilities.

6. Hoops

This never grows old. It’s like taking a fragment of a chain, forming it into a hoop and embellishing it to make new pieces of jewelry. On top of the single hoops I’ve just illustrated, it appears that geometric forms and tribal designs will be implemented as well.

7. Ear cuffs

Yes, this one has been around for quite some time as well. You’re likely eying your collection of ear cuffs right now thinking ‘I’m so ahead of the game’ but don’t flatter yourself and your impeccable taste. Because the ear cuffs you own right now are so outdated compared to what’s coming out in 2016.

I am almost certain that ear cuffs will be pushed further next year, reinventing the simplicity that was so popular this year. For instance, like these ear cuffs with multiple rings. And this unusual combination of pearls on ear cuffs seen during Vogue’s fashion week for Fall/Winter 2016.