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Buying Gold Jewellery? - Know the facts first !
Updated: Label  LabelLabel 09:57 IST   -gulfnews            Change font size      Print this story     E-Mail this story

    Gold is considered to be one of the most important assets of a woman. In fact, most of the women are crazy about gold jewelry and preserve it as one of the most valuable possessions. Though, wearing gold jewelry is liked by almost all women, very few of them have any idea on how to keep it shining and lustrous forever. This is why, when their gold jewelry starts losing its radiance and becoming dull, they get panicky and usually end up giving a lot of money to the jewelers, for cleaning and polishing it. In case you are unaware of it, keeping gold jewelry beautiful and tarnish-proof is not a very difficult task. Rather than taking your jewelry to a professional every time, for cleaning, you can safely clean it at home, with a little planning and care. So, whenever your gold jewelry becomes dull and scratched from daily usage, follow the steps given below to make it new and shiny once again.

Cleaning Gold Jewelry At Home

Things Required :

Mild Dish Washing Detergent


Soft Toothbrush or a Jewelry Brush

Soft Cloth

Jewelry-polishing Cloth


Lukewarm Water

Basic Steps

Cleaning your gold jewelry with lukewarm water and mild dish detergent will be enough to take away the dust struck into it. The oil on the metal would be completely washed off.

If you wish you can use ammonia while cleaning, limit its usage to a pinch or less, otherwise it can damage the jewelry. Also, prefer not to use ammonia every time you wash your jewelry.

Further Instructions

Take a bowl with lukewarm water and add a small amount of the mild-dish washing detergent and a pinch of ammonia (if you wish) to it. Mix well.

Submerge the gold jewelry into the bowl containing this detergent mixture and let it sit there for about fifteen minutes.

The lukewarm water, along with the detergent, will help loosen the dirt struck in the jewelry motifs.

Take a fine toothed brush and scrub each piece of gold jewelry with it, very gently. The fineness of the brush is relative to the fine motifs of your jewelry. If the designs on your jewelry are intricate, use a very fine-toothed brush.

Make sure you do not scrub your jewelry vigorously. Clean it with ease and care. Now, again rinse the jewelry in warm water.

Rinse the jewelry with clean water properly, so that no trace of detergent or ammonia (in case you have added it) gets left over.

Wipe off any dampness on the jewelry with cotton and finally, dry it with a jewelry-polishing cloth.


Avoid bringing your gold jewelry in contact with soap, as the latter can make it dull.

Avoid going inside a swimming pool with your gold jewelry on, as chlorine can discolor gold’s luster.

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