There Are Some Tips How To Take Oil-bath (bath after oil-massage)
In South India, people traditionally take a bath after oil-massage once or twice in a week. A profuse quantity of gingelly or coconut oil is applied over the body and head, and thereafter massaged. Usually for the sake of convenience, this is done in the bathroom. The individual remains with the oil for about ten minutes. Then he takes a bath with lukewarm wter. With the help of a towel, the ecess oil and water are removed. To make the skin free from oil, the body is smeared with gram or soapnut powder and washed with lukewarm water. The person taking the oil-massage bath should take rest and a light lunch during the day and he should avoid sleeping during the day. Regular use of such an oil-bath prevents and cures high blood pressure and sleeplessness.
For Asthma
Boil some leaves of vilwam..
For Cough and Cold
Boil one teaspoon of fenugreek (Methi)..
For Back Pain
Mix equal parts of the juice of karinochi..
For Common Cold
This is perhaps the commonest of all..
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