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Importance Of Rudraksa

Fruits of rudraksa (Elaeocarpus ganitrus) are generally used in rosary for religious activities. This seed generally has five segments. Seeds having different numbers of segments are also available. This seed is very useful both for high blood pressure and sleeplessness.

Generally seeds having three segments are used for this purpose. But other tyupes of seeds are also useful, though to a lesser extent. These seeds can be worn strong round the neck or the arms for reducing high blood pressure and insomnia. This seed should be soaked in water kept in a stone or earthen vessel. Early in the morning this water should be taken.

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For Asthma

Boil some leaves of vilwam..


For Cough and Cold

Boil one teaspoon of fenugreek (Methi)..


For Back Pain

Mix equal parts of the juice of karinochi..


For Common Cold

This is perhaps the commonest of all..

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Dadi Maa Ka Khazana
From The Health Magazines

Heart & Blood Pressure Problems

Heart is the most vital organ of the body which may be protected by any means.

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Head Disorders

Head contains hair on outside and brain inside.

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Stomach Disorders

Stomach is the main functioning part of our digestive system.

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Chest Problems

Our respiratory system is very sensitive and get infected by polluted or toxins containing ,

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WelcomeNRI.com has provided this material for your information. It is not intended to substitute for the medical expertise and advice of your primary health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any decisions about treatment or care with your health care provider. The mention of any product, service, or therapy is not an endorsement by WelcomeNRI.com. The information offered on the displayed page and other related pages of the topic is not proposed to replace or discourage taking guidance of a doctor currently treating you. Any submission of the material on these pages is at reader’s prudence and own accountability. If you have any or constant health state or your symptoms are rigorous, please seek advice from a qualified medical doctor. Content on this page and related pages and suggested remedies have not been checked by USFDA and IMC- India. WelcomeNRI.com claims no responsibility for any contents and remedies mentioned any where on this website.
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